Pharmaceutical Analysis

High Speed LC Analysis of Pharmaceutical Impurities in Compliance with European Pharmacopoeia

Shimadzu has produced an application note describing a newly developed method for the high-speed analysis of pharmaceuticals and related substances in compliance with European Pharmacopoeia using the Nexera-i MT.

Monitoring VOC Emissions from Respiratory Medical Devices in Accordance with ISO 18562

Markes International has produced an application note describing the monitoring of potentiallyharmful volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) emitted from respiratory medical devices, in accordance with the recently-released...

Transition to modernized pharmacopoeial methods using ion chromatography

Many existing pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical assays are time consuming, labor-intensive, involve hazardous chemicals, require extensive analyst training, and may yield significant measurement errors.

Current Methodologies for Drugs of Abuse Urine Testing

Biotage has produced a white paper examining a number of aspects of sample preparation and their impact on the success of subsequent LC-MS/MS analysis of broad urine panels.

Chiral Multicolumn Method Development on the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Analytical SFC System

Agilent Technologies has produced an application note demonstrating the use of the Agilent ChemStation Method Scouting Wizard for the development of a chiral separation method on the Agilent 1260 Infinity II Analytical SFC system. The SFC system was...

LC-MS/MS Bioanalysis of Trastuzumab Using Fab-Selective Proteolysis ‘nSMOL’

Shimadzu has produced an application note demonstrating how the LC-MS/MS bioanalysis of antibody drugs has been significantly simplified by this unique nSMOL technology. In this application, the analysis of Trastuzumab is discussed. 

Analysis of Polysorbate 80 in IgG Aqueous Solution by Online SPE Using Shim-pack MAYI Column – Part 2

Continued from the previous application (Part 1), Shimadzu has produced an application note demonstrationg how the same online-SPE system using Shim-pack MAYI-ODS was now deployed for the detection of various impurities contained in polysorbate 80...

Analysis of Polysorbate 80 in IgG Aqueous Solution by Online SPE Using Shim-pack MAYI Column – Part 1

Shimadzu has produced an application note demonstrating how the analysis of polysorbate 80 in IgG aqueous solution is simplified using an online-SPE system.

Detection of Protein Aggregates using a Mass Spectrometric Approach

Shimadzu has produced an application note describing the detection of protein aggregates using a mass spectrometric approach with versatile MALDI-TOF instrumentation.

Proof of Equivalency for the Analysis of Beta-Blockers

Agilent Technologies has produced an application note that shows the seamless transfer of a method for the analysis of beta-blockers from an Agilent 1260 Infinity LC to an Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC. It proves that equivalent results in terms of...

High-Throughput LC/MS/MS Method for the Analysis of Pain Management Drugs

PerkinElmer has produced an effective LC/MS/MS method providing a fast, accurate and reproducible solution for the analysis of pain management drugs.

Proof of Equivalency for the Analysis of Local Anesthetics

Agilent Technologies has produced an application note proving equivalency of the Agilent 1200 Series Binary LC and the Agilent 1260 Infinity II LC for the analysis of local anesthetics.

LC Analysis of Vitamin D Epimers on Raptor FluoroPhenyl Columns

Restek has produced an application note demonstrating how the Raptor FluoroPhenyl column is a good choice for vitamin D analysis as opposed to C18 columns.

How to Develop Successful LC-MS/MS Pain Medication Screening Methodologies

Restek has produced an application note demonstrating how its Raptor™ Biphenyl column is ideal for developing successful LC-MS/MS pain medication screening methodologies. As a result big pain assays no longer become a big pain.

Profiling the Distribution of N-Glycosylation in Therapeutic Antibodies

SCIEX has produced an application note demonstrating how a comprehensive MS/MS analysis of glycopeptides can be achieved by targeting the known nature of the glycosylation structures using the QTRAP® 6500 system. 

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