Use of ECD and ETD Fragmentation Mechanisms for Peptide Sequencing

by | Mass Spectrometry

This technical article describes how two new techniques have arisen which result in more complete fragmentation with better predictability for multiple-charge precursor ions. The techniques are electron capture dissociation (ECD) and electron transfer dissociation (ETD). The mechanism of dissociation in both cases is the same, the difference being in the source of the electrons.

The mechanism for ETD and ECD involves electron capture neutralization of a charge site on a
multiple-charge ion resulting in formation of a radical cation. Cleavage occurs at the amine bond proximal to the radical site, i.e. to the bond between the peptide bond nitrogen and the α-carbon along the peptide backbone.

In this article we'll go onto discuss the advantages of ETD and ECD vs conventional CAD for peptide sequencing.

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Published  May 9, 2019

Home 9 Techniques 9 Mass Spectrometry 9 Use of ECD and ETD Fragmentation Mechanisms for Peptide Sequencing