ICP-OES Applications eHandbook to Help Boost Productivity

by | Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy

Agilent Technologies has produced this 100+ page e-book in which you’ll find tips on how to boost ICP-OES productivity, handle difficult samples, and simplify method development. There’s an overview on how ICP-OES addresses the specific needs of environmental, food and agriculture, energy and chemicals labs – as well as 18 detailed application-specific papers.

ICP-OES-eBook.pngHow Agilent’s 5110 ICP-OES can help boost productivity
The unique design of the 5110 introduces the concept of Synchronous Vertical Dual View measurements for
the first time. Most commercially available ICP-OES instruments can take measurements using either radial or axial viewing of the plasma. The choice of view depends on the element being quantified and the matrix of the sample. ‘Dual-view’ ICP instruments can take measurements in both axial and radial view. Most require you to set up a series of sequential measurements, selecting which elements are measured in axial mode, and which are measured in radial mode.
5110_ICP-OES.pngInstead of taking measurements using an axial view of the plasma and then another measurement of the radial view, the 5110’s design needs only a single measurement per sample delivering accurate results in the quickest possible time.

Applications covered
A selection of the application notes covered are detailed below. Please refer to the eHandbook for the full list.


  • High throughput, low cost analysis of environmental samples according to US EPA 6010C using the Agilent 5100 SVDV ICP-OES
  • Ultra-fast determination of trace elements in water, conforming to US EPA 200.7 using the Agilent 5100 Synchronous Vertical Dual View ICP-OES

Food & Agriculture 

  • Simultaneous determination of hydride and non-hydride elements in fish samples using the Agilent 5110 SVDV ICP-OES with MSIS accessory
  • Elemental Profiling of Whiskey using the Agilent 5100/5110 ICP-OES and MPP Chemometrics Software 

Geochemistry, Mining & Minerals 

  • Determination of rare earth elements in geological samples using the Agilent SVDV ICP-OES 
  • Analysis of steel and its alloys using the GB/T 20125-2006 standard and an Agilent 5100 ICP-OES in dual view mode

Energy & Chemical 

  • Improved productivity for the determination of metals in oil samples using the Agilent 5110 Radial View (RV) ICP-OES with Advanced Valve System
  • Multi-elemental determination of gasoline using Agilent 5100 ICP-OES with oxygen injection and a temperature controlled spray chamber

Published  Oct 11, 2017

Home 9 Techniques 9 Mass Spectrometry 9 ICP-OES Applications eHandbook to Help Boost Productivity