Separation Science offers a series of learning modules covering basics, best practice and troubleshooting in GPC/SEC. This multipart series covers such topics as:

  • sample injection
  • pressure problems
  • unexpected peak shapes
  • particle size / pore size
  • sample preparation

GPCTut_6The next tutorial in this series, presented by Daniela Held (PSS, Germany) moves on to approaches that will help you to understand the requirements and procedures for calibrations using reference materials with narrow molar mass distributions, and to get some inspiration on various calibration options.

The question that this tutorial will answer is 'Primary information obtained from a GPC/SEC analysis is a chromatogram. A calibration is required to determine molar masses. What do I need to know about this?' The presenter will cover why calibration is necessary, some of the calibration techniques available, and finish by going over some frequently asked questions.

DanielaHeld_NewDr Daniela Held studied chemistry at the University of Mainz. Her PhD work was on the characterization of star-branched polymers using GPC/SEC and hyphenated techniques. She joined PSS in 2000 and is responsible for customer training and support.

Published  Mar 1, 2021

Home 9 Techniques 9 Liquid Chromatography 9 Calibration in GPC/SEC