sub-nm 3D metrology inside an EBL tool with in situ atomic force microscopy


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Raith offers an application note titled 'Enabling sub-nm 3D metrology inside an Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) tool by integration of an in situ Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)'.

This application note describes a new setup that adds 3D metrology to an e_LiNE plus electron beam lithography and nanofabrication system. Based on an atomic force microscope (AFM) integration and subsequent in situ characterization of PMMA resist exposed by standard electron beam lithography, the paper demonstrates sub-nm surface topography resolution in this setup. The interesting
observation of sub-nm resist shrinking without any ex situ process yields high potential for better understanding of focused electron beam induced energy deposition process characteristics. Moreover, an in situ AFM ideally complements the range of applications within an EBL and nanoengineering tool regarding the determination and control of material growth/etching rates or surface topography analysis – not only for the sake of inspection and metrology but also for nanolithography on non-planar surfaces.

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